Sunday, May 17, 2009


Because the blog is called 2 Cents Worth Investments, I wanted to put my 2 Cents worth on 7 quick and easy tutorials. Some of you may be more experienced or be at a different part of creating your wealth. Most of my friends, have been in their careers 5 yrs or less, or are still in Med School, Law School, etc.

7 Quick Tutorials
-What is Investing?
-The Concept of Compounding
-Knowing Yourself
-Preparing for Contradictions
-Types of Investments
-Portfolios and Diversification

I will post my 2 Cents Worth on each tutorial, then the comment lines are open. After I post on these tutorials, I will post on the following subjects:

When Should I Start?

Understanding my employers retirement plan options, general terms, not plan specifics (401k, 403B, Roth, Traditional etc.)

Why Hire a Professional, when I can do it myself.

Finding an Investment Professional
-How they get paid, (fee vs commission, share classes, etc)
-What questions should I ask?

Understanding your Financial Plan

Wealth, Why does it matter?

More to come.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Investing 101: Introduction

"Have you ever wondered how the rich got their wealth and then kept it growing? Do you dream of retiring early (or of being able to retire at all)? Do you know that you should invest, but don't know where to start?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you've come to the right place. In this tutorial we will cover the practice of investing from the ground up. The world of finance can be extremely intimidating, but we firmly believe that the stock market and greater financial world won't seem so complicated once you learn some of the lingo and major concepts. We should emphasize, however, that investing isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. Taking control of your personal finances will take work, and, yes, there will be a learning curve. But the rewards will far outweigh the required effort. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to allow banks, bosses or investment professionals to push your money in directions that you don't understand. After all, no one is in a better position than you are to know what is best for you and your money. Regardless of your personality type, lifestyle or interests, this tutorial will help you to understand what investing is, what it means and how time earns money through compounding. But it doesn't stop there. We will teach you about the building blocks of the investing world and the markets, give you some insight into techniques and strategies and help you think about which investing strategies suit you best. So do yourself a lifelong favor and keep reading. One last thing: remember: there are no "stupid" questions."

Investing 101

I have an awesome job! I get to educate people about investing. However, my friends need it the most and it just is not the best topic of conversation at the dinner table, phone, email, or other social networking outlet. I thought I would start a blog, for education purposes. Feel free to pass on any topics that you would like to learn more about. I want to KISS. Money effects us all, but most are not educated in investments. We visit the doctor to take care of us physically, we visit a dentist to take care of our teeth, but when it comes to money we assume our spouse knows what we are supposed to be doing.

I don't claim to be an expert, and you should read the disclaimer on the right.

Most of the information I will reference will come from Investopedia.

As we look through some of the basics, look to me to be a teacher, ask me questions, I know many experts. Just remember, I am not here to answer specifics on stocks, just here to educate.